Panama Canal Ship Agent

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) – Long-Term Slot Allocation (LoTSA)

PANAMA FLASH! | Panama City – August 9th, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Long-Term Slot Allocation (LoTSA)

1. Minimum Amount for Slots and Bidding Process

  • Q: What is the minimum amount required for a slot, and how does it apply to packages like Offering No. 1?
    • A: The minimum amount for a slot is $200,000. In Offering No. 1, where 104 slots are available, the total minimum amount for the package is $20.8 million.
  • Q: Can bids be placed individually per slot? If a package in Offering No. 1 is obtained for $30 million, will each slot cost $288,461?
    • A: Bids are placed per slot, not for the total package amount. If a slot is valued at $200,000, that is the amount to be entered in the sealed bid auction system.
    • A. The bid registered will be multiplied by the number of slots in the package.  

2. Allocation Priority and Limitation Per Customer Code

  • Q: Will the allocation priority and limitation per customer code remain the same as outlined in Advisory ADV-54-2023?
    • A: Yes, the allocation priority and limitation per customer code remain unchanged.
  • Q: Is there a limitation on the number of packages a customer can obtain per day under the LoTSA package?
    • A: Yes, the daily limitation applies to the LoTSA package as well. A customer could obtain additional packages if the number of packages offered exceed the number of customers participating.

3. Daily Booking slot allowance per customer

  • Q:  The daily package slot allocation will affect the number of bookings a customer could obtain in the conventional booking periods (Period 1, 1A and 2)as per advissory ADV-54-2023?
    • A: Yes, the daily transit slot limitation per customer (1 per day) includes the slots reserved through the LoTSA system.

4. Customer Ranking and Green Initiatives

  • Q: Are there any upcoming changes to the customer ranking process? Will the auction amount, including LoTSA, be factored into the ranking calculation? Will green initiatives be included?
    • A: The ACP is currently reviewing the customer ranking process. Any changes will be communicated to the maritime industry through an Advisory to Shipping once the review is complete.

5. Green Slot Auction Allocation

  • Q: What are the criteria for participating in the monthly Green Slot Auction Allocation?
    • A: Further information on the criteria will be provided in an upcoming Advisory to Shipping, as outlined in Advisory A-25-2024.
  • Q: Is the auction date fixed monthly, or can customers choose the date within the month?
    • A: Details regarding the auction dates will be provided in future advisories.

6. Priority Allocation and Slot Roll Over in LoTSA

  • Q: If a full container misses its priority window, does it have priority over Offering 3 and 4?
    • A: There is no applicable priority if the slot is not registered during the designated window. However, it can still be registered in subsequent windows without priority basis in order of application.
  • Q: Can LoTSA slots be rolled over to the next month?
    • A: A rollover of up to two days is allowed. For instance, if a slot is assigned for the 31st of the month, it can be rolled over until the 2nd of the following month by requesting a Flexibility extension of the transit date.

7. LoTSA Platform Availability

  • Q: Is there a platform to track slots obtained through the LoTSA scheme?
    • A: Currently, no such platform exists. Customers must maintain their own records.

8. Payment Methods for LoTSA

  • Q: When is payment required—when the LoTSA is obtained, when the vessel is assigned, or when the vessel transits the Canal?
    • A: The timing of payment will be clarified in a future Advisory to Shipping as indicated in Advisory A-25-2024. But won’t be required when the LoTSA is obtained.

9. Market segement participation in offering 3 and 4

  • Q: Can customers participating in Offering 3 and 4 book both LNG and LPG market segments in the same package?
    • A: Yes, customers can book both LNG and LPG within the same package.

10. Participation of Panamax Plus in LoTSA

  • Q: Are Panamax Plus vessels allowed to participate in the LoTSA?
    • A: No, Panamax Plus vessels are not allowed to participate in the LoTSA.

Please refer to the attached quick reference guide for further clarification.

For additional information, please reach out to our operators at

Norton Lilly International (Panama) S.A.

Bldg. 3825  – Office 204

Howard – Panama-Pacifico

Panama, Rep. of Panama

Tel: (507) 304-4600

Main email:  (24 hours)

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