Shipmanagement Services Department – dedicated team delivering the following services in the most cost efficient manner.

  • Crew changes, visa preparation, Ok-To-Board
  • Crew medical and dental
  • Cash to Master, CTM
  • Spare Parts, customs clearance and delivery
  • Coordination of vessel repairs, surveys, and maintenance
  • Fresh water delivery
  • Slops & sludge discharge and disposal
  • Ship stores and provisions delivery

Seafarers documents and certifications – Process your seafarers certifications with us, including IMO, licensing procedures for national and foreigners and medical certifications, including among others:

  • Marine training certification for crew and officers (national and foreigners)
  • Ratings: Ordinary seaman, Ab Seaman, Boatswain
  • Medical certifications
  • Competency certificates

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Leading Panama Canal & Port Shipping Agent, Norton Lilly Panama is one click away to being your partner of choice.
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