PANAMA FLASH! | Panama City – August 23rd, 2024
Information Regarding the Customer Ranking Calculation
Considering the upcoming implementation of the new Long-Term Slot Allocation (LoTSA) methodology scheduled to begin on September 2, 2024, some customers expressed concern regarding the Canal’s intention to change the customer ranking calculation announced in Advisories to Shipping A-25-2024 and A-28-2024. Customers emphasized the importance of clearly defining and publishing the new customer ranking calculation rules before participating in this new methodology.
Therefore, in order to encourage participation in this initiative, the Panama Canal Authority announces that the current customer ranking mechanism will remain in effect and unchanged at least until December 31, 2025. The Panama Canal will continue to analyze the variables that could be included in the calculation of the customer ranking for the allocation of slots during the competitions at the opening of the different booking periods. Once these criteria are determined, the Panama Canal will communicate them in a timely manner with sufficient advance notice to allow customers to evaluate the impact on their operations.
For additional information, please reach out to our operators at
Norton Lilly International (Panama) S.A.
Bldg. 3825 – Office 204
Howard – Panama-Pacifico
Panama, Rep. of Panama
Tel: (507) 304-4600
Main email: (24 hours)