Transit Reservation System tariffs update – February 17th, 2021

Ref: Advisory to Shipping No. A-08-2021 | Advisory to Shipping No. A-09-2021

The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) and its Board of Directors considers it appropriate to modify the existing Transit Reservation System tariffs, including charges, descriptions, and classification. These adjustments are intended to highlight the real contribution provided by the system, providing consistency with service levels, the increasing demand, and the actual value it generates to users and to our customers.

The new booking tariffs will become effective April 15, 2021, and are presented in the table below:

Below the previous booking fee for your reference:

In addition, effective April 15, 2021, the base amounts for slots awarded through the auction process, standard and special, will be as follows:

  • For regular vessels, the base or initial amount will remain at $15,000.
  • For supers, the base or initial amount will be $55,000.
  • For Neopanamax vessels (including Panamax plus) the base or initial amount will be $93,500.
  • For Neopanamax vessels (special auction 9th slot) (including Panamax plus)  the base or initial amount will be $100,000.00*

*A 2nd slot will be offered through the auction system for Neopanamax, this will be the (9th slot) that will be offered depending on several variable, including the vessels mix and other factor.  This slot will be announced with at least 2 days advance notice.

The vessel awarded with this slot will be subject to a (ITT) In-transit-time of 36hours or less, which means that the vessel will could complete the transit in 2 days (anchoring or mooring within the Canal overnight).

The implementation process for these new tariffs are as follows:

  1. For all vessels with booking dates prior to April 15, 2021, the current booking tariffs will be applied.
  2. Reservation requests for any booking dates received prior to 0900 hours February 18, 2021, will be charged based on the current booking tariffs. Substitutions, swaps, and date changes will be handled in the following manner:

Substitutions. For substitutions that involve cancellation fees, the amount to be applied to the substituted vessel will be based on the current booking tariff. The substituting vessel will retain the current booking tariff if the booking date is prior to April 15, 2021; otherwise, the new tariff will be applied.

Swaps. For swaps that involve a swapping fee, the amount to be applied will be based on the current tariffs (items 1050.0220 to 1050.0227). The booking fee to be applied to both vessels will be the higher of the two fees applicable to the vessels involved in the swap.

Changes in date. For changes in dates where the new booking date is April 15, 2021 or later, the new tariffs will be applied, including changes in dates to vessels that had been awarded slots for alternate dates due to unavailability of slots for the original dates. For changes in dates where the new booking date is prior to April 15, 2021, the current fee will be applied.

3. Reservation requests submitted between 0900 hours February 18, 2021 and 2359 hours February 28, 2021 for booking dates between April 15, 2021 and June 30, 2021, will retain the current booking tariffs. Substitutions requested during this period for booking dates April 15, 2021 or later, the new booking tariff will be applied for the substituting vessel. Similarly, for changes in dates involving booking dates for April 15, 2021 or later, the new tariffs will be applied

4. Reservation requests submitted between 0900 hours February 18, 2021 and 2359 hours February 28, 2021 for booking dates after June 30, 2021 the new booking tariff will be applied.

5. Reservation requests submitted after 2359 hours February 28, 2021 for booking dates beginning April 15, 2021 or later, will be based on the new tariffs.

6. Cancellation requests received prior to April 15, 2021 will be based on the current booking tariffs regardless of the booking dates. Cancellation requests received on April 15, 2021 or later, will be based on the booking tariff applicable to the vessel at the time the slot was awarded, as prescribed in this Advisory. Daylight Transit Service cancellations will be handled in the same manner.

7. Late-arrival penalty fees will be based on the booking tariff applicable to the vessel at the time the slot was awarded, as prescribed in this Advisory.

8. The booking fees are determined on the actual booking dates, not the transit dates.


The Panama Canal Authority informed that effective April 15th, 2021,  new rates and tariffs for other marine services will be implemented.

The modified tariff can be found in the following link

The main changes affecting the transit operation are marked in red below.  The rates in blck are the existing tariff.

Tug Service Panamax locks

For Complete Transit

Vessels 91 feet in beam and over and less than 900 feet in length……….…US$ 11,445.00
Vessels 900 feet in length and over (all beams)………………………..…..US$ 13,005.00
Vessels from 700 to 899.99 feet in length (all beams)……………………….US$ 11,445.00
Vessels under 700 feet in length and 80 to 90.99 feet in beam…………..….US$ 5,725.00  –  (new charge $7,000.00)
Vessels from 570 to 699.99 feet in length and under 80 feet in beam……….US$ 4,685.00

Vessels under 570 feet in length and under 80 feet in beam:

With summer load displacement equal to or greater than 20,000 long tons……US$ 4,685.00
With a summer load displacement below 20,000 long tons……………………..…No Charge

For Turnaround Transit through one (1) Lock

Vessels 91 feet in beam and over and less than 900 feet in length……………….………………………US$ 6,240.00

Vessels 900 feet in length and over (all beams)……………………………………………………………………US$ 9,360.00

Vessels from 700 to 899.99 feet in length (all beams)………………….……………………………………….US$ 6,240.00

Vessels under 700 feet in length and 80 to 90.99 feet in beam………………………………………….…US$ 3,120.00  (new charge 3,700.00)

Vessels from  (570 feet) up (699.99 feet) in length, and less than (80 feet) in beam……………. US$3,120.00  (new charge 3,700.00)

Vessels less than (570 feet) in length and less than (80 feet) in breadth with a summer

loaded displacement equal to or greater than 20,321 metric tons (20,000 long tons) ………….US$3,120.00  (new charge 3,700.00)

For Extraordinary Transit due to a vessel’s physical or operating deficiency Panamax locks:

At each lock (per tug).…………………………………..…………………… US$ 2,075.00
In Gaillard Cut (per tug)………….……………….………………………………US$ 3,110.00

For Extraordinary Transit due to a vessel’s physical or operating deficiency Neo-Panamax locks:

At each lock (per tug).…………………………………..…………………… US$ 2,367.00
In Gaillard Cut (per tug)………….……………….…………………………………US$ 3,350.00

Escort tug at Gatun locks (per tug)………….……………….……………US$ 4,708.00

General transit rated tug service Hourly rate or fraction thereof.

Use of Tug for self-propelled vessels ——————————- $1,385.00  (new rate $1,555.00)

Use of Tug for vessels without self-propulsion ——————- $1,670.00  (new rate $1,866.00)

Tug Service Neo-Panamax locks

For Complete Transit

Charge for ordinary tug assistance for full transit of Panamax Plus and Neopanamax vessels equipped with bow thrusters ………….………………………………….…US$ 17,000.00

Charge for ordinary tug assistance for full transit of Panamax Plus and Neopanamax vessels not equipped with bow thrusters  ……………..………………………..…..US$ 17,000.00

Regular tug services for complete southbound transit of panama plus, neopanamax and other vessels, that due to their configuration or deficiency, required to transit the neopanamax  locks ……………$ 28,500.00 (new charge)

Regular tug services for complete northbound transit of panama plus and neopanamax vessels, equipped with operative“bow thruster” and other vessels due to their configuration or deficiency, required to transit the neopanamax locks. ………$ 29,500.00 (new charge)

Regular tug services for complete northbound transit of panama plus and neopanamax vessels, with beam less than 42.70m (140 ft), whose bow thruster is not operative o is not equipped with “bow thruster ……..$ $30,500.00 (new charge)

Regular tug services for complete transit for vessels with beam equal and greater than 42.70m (140 ft), whose bow thruster is not operative o is not equipped with “bow thruster”. ………………  $ $32,500.00  (new charge)


Line Handlers at Locks

Over 125 feet up to 500 feet (loa)

Less than 12,000 displacement tons ………………………………………….  US$ 2,815.00 ( new charge $2,850.00)

Over 125 feet up to 500 feet (loa)

Over 12,000 less than 22,000 displacement tons …..………..………………….US$ 3,030.00 ( new charge $3,200.00)

Over 500 feet up to 570 feet (loa)

Less than 22,000 displacement tons ………………..…………………………. US$ 3,030.00 ( new charge $3,200.00)

Over 125 feet up to 600 feet (loa)

Displacement 22,000 up to 30,000 tons.…………..….….…………….……….US$ 3,455.00 ( new charge $3,700.00)

Over 125 feet up to 850 feet (loa)

Over 30,000 displacement tons ………..…………..…………..………………US$ 4,745.00 ( new charge $5,100.00)

Over 850 feet (loa)

All displacements……………………………………………………………………US$ 5,825.00 ( new charge $6,700.00)

Charge for standard linehandler service for full or turnaround transits of Panamax Plus and Neopanamax vessels (8 linehandlers and 2 bosuns at each lock). …………… US$ 2,600.00

Locomotives/Towing Wires

125.00 to 500.00 feet in length, with less than 12,000 displacement tons (4 wires)……………… US$ 1,200.00 

(new rat $2,000.00)

125.00 to 570.00 feet in length, with displacement from 12,000 up to less than 22,000 tons (6 wires)……………… US$ 1,800.00

(new rat $3,000.00)

500.00 to 600.00 feet in length, with displacement from 22,000 up to less than 30,000 tons (8 wires)………………US$ 2,400.00

(new rat $4,000.00)

600.00 feet in length, or 30,000 displacement tons or more (12 wires)……………… US$ 3,600.00 (new rat $6,000.00)

900.00 feet in length, or drybulk carriers and tankers with more than 850.00 feet in length, and more than 36.00 feet in draft (16 wires)………………US$ 4,800.00  (new rat $8,000.00)

(Basis of the rate is US$ 300.00 per wire).  (base rate 500.00 per wire new rate)

Inspection Fee

Flat  fee  per  vessel  (more  than 583 PC/UMS net tons when  carrying  passengers  or cargo, or more than  735 PC/UMS net tons when in ballast)..…………………………..………………US$ 118.00   ( new rate $275.00)

Flat  fee  for  small vessels (up to 583 PC/UMS net tons when  carrying  passengers  or  cargo, or more than 735 PC/UMS net tons when in ballast………….………………….…………………………US$ 54.00 ( new rate $75.00)

Flat   fee   for   vessels  which  attempt  to  transit with a previously identified deficiency without it being corrected…….US$ 1,070.00

( new rate $1,250.00)

Security  Charge

Less than 3,000 PC/UMS tons and less than 5,392 displacement tons….. US$ 300.00  (new rate 165.00)
Over 3,000 PC/UMS Tons and over 5,392 displacement tons ..……… US$ 1,000.00  (new rate 1,250.00)

The other rate increase not mentioned above can be found in the link given above and are note related to every single transit.



Whether any additional enquiry arise, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Please always respond to our following group emails:

Operations Department;

Shipmanagement Team;

Courier & Spares   ;



Norton Lilly International (Panama) S.A.

Bldg. 3825  – Office 204, Howard – Panama-Pacífico

Panama, Rep. of Panama

Tel: (507) 304-4600 

Fax: (507) 269-3926

Main email:  (24 hours)

Management email: (office hours)




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