ADV03- Feb 15th 2020

Re:  Payment of Booking Fees & Transit Itinerary Creation Fees.

Please find attached Panama Canal Advisory to Shipping ADV10-2020 dated March 20, 2020 which addresses payment terms for Transit Itinerary Creation fees and Booking Fee.  These news terms will go into effect April 16, 2020.  Full details are within the attached PDF, but highlights include,

  • The ACP will allow 96 hours, instead of the current 48 hours, for the placement of the bank guarantee (payment) of the Transit Itinerary Creation Fee.
  • The ACP will allow 96 hours, instead of the current 48 hours, for the placement of the bank guarantee (payment) covering Booking slot fees that are awarded up to 7 days prior to the booked date.  Booking requests awarded during the 2nd Booking Period but with less than 7 days from the vessel’s ETA will require payment within 48 hours.
  • Changes in booking dates for vessels that were booked prior to February 15, 2020, require  the establishment of a guarantee for the new date. This guarantee shall be received by the ACP within the required 96 hours.
  • Substitution of a booked vessel with a non-booked vessel requires the placement of a Transit Itinerary Creation Fee guarantee and a booking guarantee for the substituting vessel no later than 96 hours after the booking accepted.

Once the booking slot is reassigned to the substituting vessel, the Transit Itinerary Creation Fee for the substituted vessel will be reimbursed within approximately 10 days. Likewise, the booking guarantee will also be reimbursed within approximately 10 days after deducting any penalties that may apply.

  • Shipping N-7-2020,ACP Customer Code :  vessels will not be allowed to change customer codes once the visit has been created.

Re:  Panama Canal’s Precautionary Actions against COVID-19

Please find attached a pdf document received today, March 20, from the Panama Canal Authority which details the ACP’s preventative measures against COVID-19.

Re:  COVID-19, overall situation in Panama

    • To date, 137 cases of coronavirus have been identified in Panama, including one deceased.
    • Effective March 18, authorities have implemented a mandatory curfew from 2100 hrs to 0500 hrs until further advised.  Maritime sector workers are exempt from this curfew.
    • Effective March 22nd all international passengers flights will halt for 30 days.  Cargo and humanitarian flights are permitted during this time.
    • Panama Immigrations have temporarily stopped issuance of crew Visas for inbound personnel.
    • Crew embarkation and disembarkation is temporarily prohibited except in emergency situations with prior approval of local authorities.
    • Panama Canal and surrounding ports continue operating 24/7 unhindered but with heightened security and hygiene protocols.
    • Ancillary maritime services such as bunkering, ship chandlery, delivery of spares and provisions, slops and trash removal, fresh water delivery, are permitted.
    • In an effort to minimize person to person contact,  Norton Lilly Panama have implemented telecommuting for most of our staff and flexible work schedules for others.
    • We continue to physically board vessels but only when absolutely necessary, otherwise we are making all coordination for the vessel, Master and crew remotely.
    • Panama Customs Authority approved a temporary digital documentation process the cargo tax liquidation and registration prior import cargoes arrived Panama to facilitate delivery
  • Panama Canal Freshwater indicator include a CSV table format and a forecast projected tropical fresh water draft as a reference only.

Please find attached our updated Contacts Directory including after hours and 24 hours Duty Officer contact details.


For further information please contact us at:

Norton Lilly International (Panama) S.A.
Bldg. 3825  – Office 204
Howard – Panama-Pacifico
Panama, Rep. of Panama
Tel: (507) 304-4600
Fax: (507) 269-3926
Main email:  (24 hours)
Management email: (office hours)


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